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Texte zur Freiheit (3150189977)

»Freiheit« ist ein zentrales Thema der Philosophie. Der Band versammelt die wichtigsten Texte in Ausschnitten: im ersten Teil »Willensfreiheit« mit Texten von Aristoteles, Boethius, Descartes, Hume, Strawson und van Imwagen bis zu Beckermann, im zweiten Teil »Selbstbeherrschung und Selbstbestimmung« mit Texten von Platon, Epiktet, Kant und Sarte bis zu Frankfurt und im dritten Teil »Politische Freiheit« mit Texten von Aristoteles, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Marx und Arendt bis zu Rawls und Nussbaum.

Product details

  • Paperback | 355 pages
  • 98 x 147 x 20mm | 160g
  • German
  • 9783150189979
  • 3,579,655

Download Texte zur Freiheit (3150189977).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.


Algebra 2, Student Edition (0076639908)

- The only program that supports the Common Core State Standards throughout four-years of high school mathematics with an unmatched depth of resources and adaptive technology that helps you differentiate instruction for every student. * Connects students to math content with print, digital and interactive resources. * Prepares students to meet the rigorous Common Core Standards with aligned content and focus on Standards of Mathematical Practice. * Meets the needs of every student with resources that enable you to tailor your instruction at the classroom and individual level. * Assesses student mastery and achievement with dynamic, digital assessment and reporting. Includes Print Student Edition

Product details

  • Hardback | 1144 pages
  • 226 x 287 x 44mm | 2,577g
  • McGraw-Hill Professional
  • United States
  • English
  • 83 Illustrations, unspecified
  • 0076639908
  • 9780076639908
  • 2,356,463

Download Algebra 2, Student Edition (0076639908).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.


Counter Hack Reloaded : A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses (0131481045)

"I finally get it! I used to hear words like rootkit, buffer overflow, and idle scanning, and they just didn't make any sense. I asked other people and they didn't seem to know how these things work, or at least they couldn't explain them in a way that I could understand. Counter Hack Reloaded is the clearest explanation of these tools I have ever seen. Thank you!"
-Stephen Northcutt, CEO, SANS Institute "Ed Skoudis does it again! With this new edition, Ed takes a phenomenal work to the next level! This book is a 'must-have' and a 'must-read' for anyone remotely associated with computers and computer security."
-Harlan Carvey, CISSP, author of Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery "Ed Skoudis is a rare individual. He knows the innards of all the various systems, knows all the latest exploits and defenses, and yet is able to explain everything at just the right level. The first edition of Counter Hack was a fascinating read. It's technically intriguing and very clear. . . . A book on vulnerabilities, though, will get out of date, and so we definitely needed this updated and significantly rewritten second edition. This book is a wonderful overview of the field."
-From the Foreword by Radia Perlman, series editor, The Radia Perlman Series in Computer Networking and Security; author of Interconnections ; and coauthor of Network Security: Private Communications in a Public World "What a great partnership! Ed Skoudis and Tom Liston share an uncanny talent for explaining even the most challenging security concepts in a clear and enjoyable manner. Counter Hack Reloaded is an indispensable resource for those who want to improve their defenses and understand the mechanics of computer attacks."
-Lenny Zeltser, coauthor of Malware: Fighting Malicious Code "Ed Skoudis does it again! With this new edition, Ed takes a phenomenal work to the next level! This book is a 'must-have' and a 'must-read' for anyone remotely associated with computers and computer security."
-Harlan Carvey, CISSP, author of Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery "In addition to having breadth of knowledge about and probing insights into network security, Ed Skoudis's real strength is in his ability to show complex topics in an understandable form. By the time he's done, what started off as a hopeless conglomeration of acronyms starts to sound comfortable and familiar. This book is your best source for understanding attack strategies, attack tools, and the defenses against both."
-William Stearns, network security expert, www.stearns.org "This book is a must-have for anyone in the Internet security game. It covers everything from the basic principles to the fine details of online attack methods and counter-strategies and is very engagingly written."
-Warwick Ford, coauthor of Secure Electronic Commerce For years, Counter Hack has been the primary resource for every network/system administrator and security professional who needs a deep, hands-on understanding of hacker attacks and countermeasures. Now, leading network security expert Ed Skoudis, with Tom Liston, has thoroughly updated this best-selling guide, showing how to defeat today's newest, most sophisticated, and most destructive attacks.

For this second edition, more than half the content is new and updated, including coverage of the latest hacker techniques for scanning networks, gaining and maintaining access, and preventing detection. The authors walk you through each attack and demystify every tool and tactic. You'll learn exactly how to establish effective defenses, recognize attacks in progress, and respond quickly and effectively in both UNIX/Linux and Windows environments.

Important features of this new edition include

All-new "anatomy-of-an-attack" scenarios and tools
An all-new section on wireless hacking: war driving, wireless sniffing attacks, and more
Fully updated coverage of reconnaissance tools, including Nmap port scanning and "Google hacking"
New coverage of tools for gaining access, including uncovering Windows and Linux vulnerabilities with Metasploit
New information on dangerous, hard-to-detect, kernel-mode rootkits

Product details

  • Paperback | 784 pages
  • 100 x 100 x 100mm | 100g
  • Upper Saddle River, NJ, United States
  • English
  • 2nd edition
  • 0131481045
  • 9780131481046
  • 498,610

Download Counter Hack Reloaded : A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses (0131481045).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.


Ostseeküste 2 : Travemünde bis Stettin (3667100329)

Segeln an der deutschen Ostseeküste In sieben Törnvorschlägen führt Jan Werner den Leser kenntnisreich an der Küste von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern entlang. Exakte nautische Informationen im Verbund mit Wissenswertem über die Küstengegenden helfen dem Skipper, seinen Urlaubstörn optimal zu planen. Von den alten Hansestädten zum Stettiner Haff Die Küste Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns - beginnend mit der Hansestadt Wismar über die Boddengewässer um die Insel Rügen bis hin zum einsamen Stettiner Haff ganz weit im Osten, mit einem Abstecher nach Swinemünde und Stettin, dazu der schmale schnelle Peenestrom, Hiddensee und schließlich Usedom: welch ein Revier! Jan Werner lässt den Segler an seiner in Jahrzehnten erworbenen Revierkenntnis teilhaben. Seine Törnvorschläge leiten den Skipper mit akkuraten nautischen Informationen von Hafen zu Hafen. Zudem liefert er Hintergrundwissen zur regionalen Geschichte und zu lokalen Sehenswürdigkeiten, die zum Landgang einladen. Informationen zu Wind und Wetter, Vorschriften und Sicherheit runden das Buch ab. Dieser Törnführer ist ein kompetenter Begleiter für jeden Fahrtensegler. - Die schönsten Törns an der deutschen Ostseeküste - Mit allen Informationen für eine effektive Törnplanung - Attraktive Farbfotos, farbige Pläne für den perfekten Überblick - Detaillierte Hafenbeschreibungen - Mit vielen Informationen zu Land, Leuten und Freizeitgestaltung

Product details

  • Paperback | 225 pages
  • 172 x 244 x 20mm | 670g
  • German
  • 7., aktualisierte Auflage 2015
  • 140 farbige Fotos
  • 9783667100320

Download Ostseeküste 2 : Travemünde bis Stettin (3667100329).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.


Tod im Neandertal. Akte Ötzi. Tatort Troja : Die ungelösten Fälle der Archäologie (3806222738)

Archäologen ermitteln
Haben die Kelten Unschuldige bestialisch ermordet, um ihre blutrünstigen Götter zu besänftigen? Was legte Jericho, die älteste Stadt der Welt, in Schutt und Asche? Entdeckten US-Archäologen 2006 wirklich Spuren der Arche Noah? Immer wieder stellen außergewöhnliche Funde und neue Erkenntnisse Lehrmeinungen infrage und entfachen Spekulationen über untergegangene Völker, biblische Berichte oder Kultstätten der Vergangenheit. Forscher und Laien halten den Atem an, so manche Autorität gerät ins Wanken, Lehrbücher müssen umgeschrieben werden. Der Autor beschreibt die ungelösten Fälle der Archäologie, erläutert die jüngsten Sensationsfunde und spürt revolutionären Enthüllungen nach.

Product details

  • Paperback | 228 pages
  • 146 x 220 x 15mm | 380g
  • German
  • 50 farbige Abbildungen
  • 9783806222739

Download Tod im Neandertal. Akte Ötzi. Tatort Troja : Die ungelösten Fälle der Archäologie (3806222738).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.
